BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//BC Association of Clinical Counsellors - ECPv5.16.2.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:BC Association of Clinical Counsellors X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for BC Association of Clinical Counsellors REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/Vancouver BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0800 TZOFFSETTO:-0700 TZNAME:PDT DTSTART:20230312T100000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0700 TZOFFSETTO:-0800 TZNAME:PST DTSTART:20231105T090000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0800 TZOFFSETTO:-0700 TZNAME:PDT DTSTART:20240310T100000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0700 TZOFFSETTO:-0800 TZNAME:PST DTSTART:20241103T090000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240420T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240420T150000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20240226T175529Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240226T175529Z SUMMARY:Focusing Oriented Therapy Training and Certification DESCRIPTION:FOT is a remarkably effective somatic approach\, particularly valuable for working with trauma and clients who are ‘stuck’\, and for preventing therapist burn-out. \nFocusing was developed by Dr. Eugene Gendlin\, a colleague and key contributor to the work of Carl Rogers.  Gendlin’s research sought to answer the question – \nWhy are some clients successful in counselling\, while others are not?\nWhat he found was that the counsellor’s modality wasn’t the definitive difference; rather it was something the successful clients themselves were doing.  They had a way of checking inside\, of listening to an internal voice that was distinctly different from the more familiar conscious ‘thinking brain.’  His research led him to develop a series of steps to teach therapists how to guide clients to tune in to this individual inner voice.  That personal\, unconscious voice is what takes a client past their thinking brain and down into the core of their issues.  The method allows them to consistently go to the edge of the unknown and tap into what needs to happen next so that the healing process can start its forward movement. \nParticipants are welcome to attend single modules or the complete 16-month series\, and may become certified as a “Focusing Oriented Therapist” (FOT). URL: LOCATION:Online and in Langley\, BC CATEGORIES:3rd-Party Advertiser Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240419T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240419T120000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20240223T181535Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240416T000042Z SUMMARY:Working with Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse DESCRIPTION:THE PAST DOESN’T ALWAYS STAY IN THE PAST\nSexual difficulties in adulthood can often be traced back to past childhood sexual trauma including shame that often accompanies intimate trauma. This workshop will provide a theoretical understanding as well as clinical techniques in working with sexuality concerns of survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Case material will be discussed. \nLearning Objectives: \n\nDiscuss how to create a safe therapeutic environment for survivors\nIdentify important aspects of assessment of childhood sexual abuse\nDescribe the central role of shame for survivors\nDescribe the use of the relational sexual history to support sexual healing\nList clinical techniques that help survivors safely become more sexual\n\n NOTE: This workshop will be recorded and made available to registrants for two weeks after the live workshop. Bear in mind\, the recording will not include references to case material.\n \n \nRegister Now\nABOUT THE PRESENTER:\nSuzanne Iasenza is a practicing psychologist who specializes in and writes on topics such as human sexuality\, sex therapy for individuals and couples\, sexual orientation\, and gender identity. \nShe’s passionate about sharing her knowledge of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis and has taught at a variety of institutions. Some of which include the Ackerman Institute for the Family\, Derner Institute at Adelphi University\, the Westchester Center\, and the Family Institute of Westchester. Suzanne has also co-founded the Sex Therapy Training Program (STP) at the Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy in NYC.  \nWant to know more? Check out her latest book\, Transforming Sexual Narratives: A Relational Approach to Sex Therapy or visit her website at \nONLINE SESSION INFORMATION: \nDates: Friday\, April 19\, 2024 \nTime: 9am to 12pm \nFormat: Online \nCost: \n\n$80 for BCACC Members\n$40 for BCACC student members\n$160 for Non-Members\n\nNOTES:\n\nThe registration deadline is Wednesday\, April 17\, 2024. Pre-registration is required. \nFor registration support\, please email Cassandra Leong at \nFor student registration\, please email\nA separate email will be sent the day prior to the event to the confirmed registrants containing the information for joining the webinar. \nThe workshop will be recorded and made available to registrants\, without additional cost\, as part of the registration. \n\nDisclaimer: Except where specifically indicated\, the opinions expressed in this notice are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors\, its officers\, directors\, or staff. The publication of any advertisement by the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors is not an endorsement of the advertiser\, or of the products or services advertised. The BC Association of Clinical Counsellors is not responsible for any claims made in advertisements. Advertisers may not\, without prior consent\, incorporate in a subsequent advertisement the fact that a product or service has been advertised in a publication of the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Mental Health Professionals Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240413T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240413T150000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20240226T175529Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240226T175529Z SUMMARY:Focusing Oriented Therapy Training and Certification DESCRIPTION:FOT is a remarkably effective somatic approach\, particularly valuable for working with trauma and clients who are ‘stuck’\, and for preventing therapist burn-out. \nFocusing was developed by Dr. Eugene Gendlin\, a colleague and key contributor to the work of Carl Rogers.  Gendlin’s research sought to answer the question – \nWhy are some clients successful in counselling\, while others are not?\nWhat he found was that the counsellor’s modality wasn’t the definitive difference; rather it was something the successful clients themselves were doing.  They had a way of checking inside\, of listening to an internal voice that was distinctly different from the more familiar conscious ‘thinking brain.’  His research led him to develop a series of steps to teach therapists how to guide clients to tune in to this individual inner voice.  That personal\, unconscious voice is what takes a client past their thinking brain and down into the core of their issues.  The method allows them to consistently go to the edge of the unknown and tap into what needs to happen next so that the healing process can start its forward movement. \nParticipants are welcome to attend single modules or the complete 16-month series\, and may become certified as a “Focusing Oriented Therapist” (FOT). URL: LOCATION:Online and in Langley\, BC CATEGORIES:3rd-Party Advertiser Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240406T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240406T150000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20240226T175529Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240226T175529Z SUMMARY:Focusing Oriented Therapy Training and Certification DESCRIPTION:FOT is a remarkably effective somatic approach\, particularly valuable for working with trauma and clients who are ‘stuck’\, and for preventing therapist burn-out. \nFocusing was developed by Dr. Eugene Gendlin\, a colleague and key contributor to the work of Carl Rogers.  Gendlin’s research sought to answer the question – \nWhy are some clients successful in counselling\, while others are not?\nWhat he found was that the counsellor’s modality wasn’t the definitive difference; rather it was something the successful clients themselves were doing.  They had a way of checking inside\, of listening to an internal voice that was distinctly different from the more familiar conscious ‘thinking brain.’  His research led him to develop a series of steps to teach therapists how to guide clients to tune in to this individual inner voice.  That personal\, unconscious voice is what takes a client past their thinking brain and down into the core of their issues.  The method allows them to consistently go to the edge of the unknown and tap into what needs to happen next so that the healing process can start its forward movement. \nParticipants are welcome to attend single modules or the complete 16-month series\, and may become certified as a “Focusing Oriented Therapist” (FOT). URL: LOCATION:Online and in Langley\, BC CATEGORIES:3rd-Party Advertiser Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240403T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240403T123000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20240222T004950Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240308T013208Z SUMMARY:Working with Addictions Online: There's Always More Than One Elephant DESCRIPTION:NAVIGATING VIRTUAL COUNSELLING IN 2024\nFour years on from the start of the pandemic\, new research and new learnings provide us with direction for doing video counselling better. \nDiscoveries in fields as diverse as neuroscience and social psychology give us clues about how we process information and (re)act in online environments. Lawrence Murphy\, founder of the first online clinical practice\, will dive deep into these discoveries and the implications for the ethics and clinical practice of video work with clients struggling with addiction. \nPlease Note: The event has been changed from March 20 to April 3\, 2024. All registrants will have access to the recorded session for a year after the live event. \n \nRegister Now\nABOUT THE PRESENTERS:\nLawrence Murphy is the founder of Worldwide Therapy Online\, the world’s first online clinical practice\, established in 1994. In 1998 he co-authored the first ethical code for online counselling. Mr. Murphy and his colleagues publish regularly in the academic literature\, including their seminal 1998 work When Writing Helps to Heal: Email as Therapy\, which has been cited more than 350 times. Therapy Online delivers two levels of training in cybercounselling and licenses online therapy. Since the pandemic began\, Mr. Murphy has delivered more than 90 half-day trainings to a total of more than 10\,000 mental health professionals across Canada. \nONLINE SESSION INFORMATION: \nDates: Wednesday\, April 3\, 2024 \nTime: 9am to 12:30pm \nFormat: Online \nCost: \n\n$60 for BCACC Members\n$30 for BCACC student members\n$120 for Non-Members\n\nNOTES:\n\nThe registration deadline is Monday\, April 1\, 2024. Pre-registration is required. \nFor registration support\, please email\nFor student registration\, please email\nA separate email will be sent the day prior to the event to the confirmed registrants containing the information for joining the webinar. \nThe workshop will be recorded and made available to members once it’s completed. The recording will be available for registrants\, without additional cost\, as part of the registration. \n\nDisclaimer: Except where specifically indicated\, the opinions expressed in this notice are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors\, its officers\, directors\, or staff. The publication of any advertisement by the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors is not an endorsement of the advertiser\, or of the products or services advertised. The BC Association of Clinical Counsellors is not responsible for any claims made in advertisements. Advertisers may not\, without prior consent\, incorporate in a subsequent advertisement the fact that a product or service has been advertised in a publication of the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Mental Health Professionals Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240305T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240305T190000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20240131T174932Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240201T224510Z SUMMARY:Matters of the Mind: Top 10 Strategies for Caregivers Supporting a Child with Anxiety DESCRIPTION:In this one hour presentation\, we will discuss 10 strategies for supporting a child with anxiety. These strategies are informed by evidence based intervention with an emphasis on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) techniques. Although geared towards caregivers supporting a child between the ages of 6-12\, the information will hold relevancy for caregivers of older children and teens\, as well as people of all ages. \nThere will be a 20 minute question and answer period after the presentation. \nREGISTER NOW >> \nABOUT THE PRESENTER:\nThis presentation is offered by Registered Clinical Counsellor\, Laura Roy\, who has been working as a counsellor for the last eight years on a community mental health team supporting children\, youth and families. She is passionate about working with families and including caregivers in treatment. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Public Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240305T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240305T133000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20240131T173144Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240201T224427Z SUMMARY:BCACC Panel Discussion - Introduction to the Standards and Code of Ethical Conduct: Standards 2 & 6 DESCRIPTION:Introduction to Standards 2 & 6\nJoin us on Tuesday\, March 5th for the next discussion in this series that looks to clarify the new Standards of Clinical Practice and Code of Ethical Conduct. \nIn this webinar we will have a conversation about: \n\nStandard 2: Competence and Quality Improvement\nStandard 6: Clinical and Counselling Assessment and Reporting\n\nView the Standards >> \nWe will highlight key thoughts on these two standards and any implications of the changes to therapeutic practice for RCCs. \nWhen you register\, be sure to submit your top question and we will be sure to address any overarching themes. \nIf you would like to view the first session that covered the Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards #8 & #9 – you can find it in the “Breaking News“ section of the Member Portal. \nWE HAVE A MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF 500 ATTENDEES \nBACKGROUND:\nOn November 1\, 2023\, BCACC released its revised Code of Ethical Conduct along with 13 new Standards of Clinical Practice as part of its review process for maintaining and improving the clinical practice of RCCs in BC. \nThis work reflects BCACC’s ongoing efforts to protect the public and further the best practices and professional identity of RCCs as we move towards regulation of the profession. The code and the standards are designed to guide clinical practice and decision-making; supporting members’ ongoing evaluation and reflection of their own practice\, engagement in continuing competency and professional development activities\, and resulting in the provision of safe\, competent\, and ethical care to members of the public. \nPlease note that this session is part of a series that aims to orient members to the new Standards of Practice and Code of Ethical Conduct. \nONLINE SESSION INFORMATION: \nDate: Tuesday\, March 5\, 2024 \nTime: 12pm – 1:30pm \nFormat: Online \nCosts: Free for BCACC Members \nNOTES:\n\nThe registration deadline is Sunday\, March 3\, 2024. Pre-registration is required. If you have any issues registering\, please contact Cassandra Leong at \nAre you a student member? To register\, please contact \nA separate email will be sent the day prior to the event to the confirmed registrants containing the information for joining the webinar. \nThe panel discussion will be recorded and made available to members once it’s completed.  URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:BCACC Member Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240304T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240304T150000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20240131T171904Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240201T224824Z SUMMARY:BCACC Workshop - Basic Group Facilitation Skills: Part 2 DESCRIPTION:Join us for this second workshop on basic group facilitation. Each one is a standalone workshop that compliments the other to build out your knowledge on facilitating groups. \nThis second workshop will focus on ways to use transference and countertransference in group leadership\, in addition to focusing on critical tasks during the different stages of groups.  \nAlong with exploring our blind spots\, this training will also focus on challenges that may come up for group facilitators\, such as: \n\n conflict and confrontation\, \ndynamics of resistance\, \nand interventions in challenging situations.  \n\nYou can purchase/attend this workshop on it’s own\, or you can also register for the first workshop. \n\nABOUT THE PRESENTERS:\nDr. John Sherry\, RCC-ACS\, has over 20 years of experience as a clinician and his academic and clinical work has focused on couples\, family\, and group therapy. Dr. Sherry is one of the founding members of the Community Counselling Centre\, the program’s off-site practicum placement for counselling students. He has been instrumental in implementing couple\, family and group counselling at UNBC’s training clinic and currently facilitates process groups for graduate students and professionals in the community. His research interests tend to centre around counsellor training and development with a particular interest in experiential approaches to teaching and clinical supervision. More specifically\, he is interested in the attachment styles of group co-facilitators and how counsellors use countertransference in their work.   \nDoriana Pantuso\, RCC\, CCC\, began her counselling journey as a mental health clinician with Northern Health\, Prince George.  Doriana’s experience at Northern Health led to a counselling career in a variety of clinical settings both in outpatient and inpatient mental health. Currently\, Doriana works with post-secondary education students at the University of British Columbia. Her clinical work has focused on both individual and group therapy with an interest in experiential approaches and counsellor development. Her group experience focuses both on psycho-education and process-oriented group facilitation and she is currently pursuing group training through the Center for Group Studies (CGS).   \nONLINE SESSION INFORMATION: \nDates: Monday\, March 4\, 2024 \nTime: 12 PM – 3 PM \nFormat: Online \nCost: \n\n$80 for BCACC Members\n$40 for BCACC student members\n$160 for Non-Members\n\nNOTES:\n\nThe registration deadline is Thursday\, Feb 29\, 2024. Pre-registration is required. \nIf you have any issues registering\, please contact Cassandra Leong at \nAre you a student member? To register for this event\, please send an email to \nA separate email will be sent the day prior to the event to the confirmed registrants containing the information for joining the webinar. \nThe workshop will be recorded and made available to members once it’s completed. The recording will be available for registrants\, without additional cost\, as part of the registration.  URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Mental Health Professionals Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240229T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240229T150000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20240131T170926Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240201T225014Z SUMMARY:BCACC Workshop - Basic Group Facilitation Skills: Part 1 DESCRIPTION:This is one of two workshops on basic group facilitation. They are standalone workshops that complement each other to build out your knowledge on facilitating groups. \nThis first workshop is designed to assist the participants in gaining a better background of understanding regarding the objectives\, procedures\, and experiential climate of group counselling. \nThis experiential and didactic workshop consists of: \n\n lectures\, \ndemonstrations of small groups in action\, \ndiscussions\, \nand other role-play activities. \n\nThe focus is on the evolution of the group process\, awareness of the different types of groups\, screening for groups\, the stages of group development\, critical tasks of group leadership at the various stages of a group\, and the creation and implementation of group techniques to facilitate awareness and change among group members. \nYou can purchase/attend this workshop on it’s own\, or you can also join the second workshop. \n\nABOUT THE PRESENTERS:\nDr. John Sherry\, RCC-ACS\, has over 20 years of experience as a clinician and his academic and clinical work has focused on couples\, family\, and group therapy. Dr. Sherry is one of the founding members of the Community Counselling Centre\, the program’s off-site practicum placement for counselling students. He has been instrumental in implementing couple\, family and group counselling at UNBC’s training clinic and currently facilitates process groups for graduate students and professionals in the community. His research interests tend to centre around counsellor training and development with a particular interest in experiential approaches to teaching and clinical supervision. More specifically\, he is interested in the attachment styles of group co-facilitators and how counsellors use countertransference in their work. \nDoriana Pantuso\, RCC\, CCC\, began her counselling journey as a mental health clinician with Northern Health\, Prince George. Doriana’s experience at Northern Health led to a counselling career in a variety of clinical settings both in outpatient and inpatient mental health. Currently\, Doriana works with post-secondary education students at the University of British Columbia. Her clinical work has focused on both individual and group therapy with an interest in experiential approaches and counsellor development. Her group experience focuses both on psycho-education and process-oriented group facilitation and she is currently pursuing group training through the Center for Group Studies (CGS). \nONLINE SESSION INFORMATION: \nDates: Thursday\, Feb 29\, 2024 \nTime: 12 PM – 3 PM \nFormat: Online \nCost: \n\n$80 for BCACC Members\n$40 for BCACC student members\n$160 for Non-Members\n\nNOTES:\n\nThe registration deadline is Tuesday\, Feb 27\, 2024. Pre-registration is required. If you have any issues registering\, please contact Cassandra Leong at \nAre you a student member? To register for this event\, please send an email to \nA separate email will be sent the day prior to the event to the confirmed registrants containing the information for joining the webinar. \nThe workshop will be recorded and made available to members once it’s completed. The recording will be available for registrants\, without additional cost\, as part of the registration.  URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Mental Health Professionals Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240225 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240302 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230726T171036Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230726T171155Z SUMMARY:CANADIAN GROUP PRACTICE OWNER CONNECT DESCRIPTION:Registration is now open for the Canadian Group Practice Owner Connect Retreat\, taking place at a private oceanfront Villa in Playa Hermosa\, Puntarenas Province\, Costa Rica. From February 25- March 01\, 2023\, join fellow professionals and elevate yourself and your practice while enjoying a private beachfront Villa steps from the sand! \n  URL: LOCATION:Puntarenas Province\, Costa Rica\, Costa Rica CATEGORIES:3rd-Party Advertiser Event ORGANIZER;CN="Chantelle%20Froats" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240222T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240222T130000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20240131T165051Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240201T225454Z SUMMARY:BCACC Lunch & Learn - Supervision Through Your Career DESCRIPTION:Join us to find out what it means to be a clinical supervisor and learn from the experience of three Approved Clinical Supervisors\n\nA supervisor said to me once\, “Follow the Golden Thread.”\nThis image of a delicate and valuable thread of a story has provided a foundation for working with clients and supervisees alike. This thread weaves through all the work of these relationships. \nSo what is Supervision?\n\nClinical supervision is a crucial component for counsellors and psychotherapists during their education.\nIt is an essential practice throughout your career that helps to anchor your clinical work in best practices and serves to build new skills. It also helps improve your ability to be harmonious as a therapist to your clients.\nClinical supervision is also a specialty practice area with core philosophies\, knowledge\, and skills.\n\n This Lunch and Learn will cover topics around:\n\nThe supervisory role and relationship\nAn introduction into ways to engage a supervisor\nThe pathway to becoming a BCACC Approved Clinical Supervisor.\n\nSPEAKER BIOS\nRuth Unaegbu\nRuth Unaegbu is a Registered Clinical Counsellor and Approved Clinical Supervisor located in British Columbia. She offers private counselling and supervision services locally and extends her coaching services globally. Her primary mission is to support people by undoing aloneness\, providing a safe space for healing\, and transformation. \nRuth’s specialization focuses on People of the Global Majority\, especially Black women\, first-generation\, and immigrant Canadians. Additionally\, she caters to creative professionals and high-performing athletes\, addressing performance challenges and expansion. Ruth’s expertise also encompasses assisting parents\, caregivers\, and those part of the adoption triad\, specifically transracial adoption. \nNelson Szeto\nNelson is a Registered Clinical Counsellor working in private practice and in a government mental health program\, where he has been providing clinical counselling supervision to graduate students since 2015. His primary goal in supervision in addition to basic skills development and ethical practice\, is to help supervisees build skills that help them show up in therapy in an emotionally connected and self- and co-regulated manner\, as well as being grounded\, authentic\, and co-existing in an encouraging spirit for their clients. He enjoys providing supervision in honor of his practicum supervisor\, Lorraine Short\, who instrumentally built and guided his way of showing up for clients in a non-verbally empathic and relational way. \nJane Beaumont\nJane has over 20 years of experience working in the field and specializes in eating disorders\, working with caregivers\, trauma\, and neurodiverse clients. Jane utilizes numerous therapies from an integrated approach\, including family systems\, emotion focused attachment approaches\, narrative therapy\, and somatic informed approaches. \nAs an Approved Clinical Supervisor Jane focuses mainly on teaching\, interns and supervision aside from a small client load. \nONLINE SESSION INFORMATION:\nDate: Tuesday\, February 22\, 2024 \nTime: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM \nFormat: Online \nCost:    \n\n$20 for BCACC Members \n$10 for BCACC Student Members\n$40 for Non-Members \n\nNOTES:\n\nRegistration deadline is February 20\, 2023. Pre-registration is required.\nFor event assistance\, please contact Cassandra Leong at\nAre you a student member? To register for this event\, please send an email to \nA separate email will be sent the day prior to the event to the confirmed registrants containing the information for joining the webinar. \nThis session will be recorded and made available once it’s completed.  URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Mental Health Professionals Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240209T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240402T080000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20240206T214916Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240209T220309Z SUMMARY:FREE TRAINING – An Introduction to Internal Family Systems Therapy with Colleen West DESCRIPTION:FREE TRAINING – An Introduction to Internal Family Systems Therapy with Colleen West\, IFS Therapist\, Trainer and Consultant \nInternal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) is an evidence-based model that views individuals’ multiple “parts” as expressions of their identity\, rather than obstacles. \nThis free training offers: \n\nIFS’s non-pathologizing approach to personal growth\nInsights into the psyche’s various parts within IFS\nEngagement strategies for understanding clients’ parts\nThe role of the ‘Self’ in healing\nHow IFS can be integrated with other approaches\nCase examples and practical applications\n\nTrainer Colleen West is a trauma-informed IFS-certified therapist\, trainer\, and consultant. She has over 20 years of experience helping clients overcome simple and complex trauma. Colleen is also a published author. \n  \nRegistration expires on April 2\, 2024 URL: LOCATION:Online\, BC\, Canada CATEGORIES:3rd-Party Advertiser Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240118T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20240314T130000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20231214T220534Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231214T220646Z SUMMARY:BCACC Webinar Series - Money Management Workshops for Clinical Counsellors DESCRIPTION:Join us for a three-part workshop series that equips you with financial planning knowledge specifically relevant to the many facets of your counselling career. It will offer a comprehensive exploration of important topics just in time for tax season.\nThis workshop is presented by MNP and is divided into three one-hour webinar sessions. They will be recorded so that you can revisit the content for a full year. \nSession 1: January 18th\n \n\n\n\nFinancial Planning for Clinical Counsellors throughout your career; \nPractice management for your practice – key matters for success; \n\n\n\nSession 2: February/date TBD  \n\n\n\nPersonal and Corporate Taxes for Professionals:  Key changes that impact you; and \nPlanning for year end and tax season \n\n\n\nSession 3: March 14th \n\n\n\nIncorporating your Practice:  The benefits and when it makes sense for you; \nRetirement Planning for you and Succession for your practice – what you need to know.\n\n\n\n  \nABOUT THE PRESENTERS: \nNational in scope and local in focus\, MNP is one of Canada’s leading professional services firms — proudly serving individuals\, businesses\, and organizations since 1958. Through the development of strong relationships\, we provide client-focused accounting\, consulting\, tax\, and digital services. Our clients benefit from personalized strategies with a local perspective to fuel success wherever business takes them. \n  \nONLINE SESSION INFORMATION:  \nDates:             Part 1: Thursday\, January 18\, 2024  \n                        Part 2: February 2024 /date TBD \n                        Part 3: Thursday\, March 14\, 2024 \nTime:             12 PM – 1 PM for all three sessions \nCredits:       3 BCACC continuing competency credits \n\nFormat:         Online \nCost:           $60 for BCACC Members (for all three sessions) \n                    $30 for BCACC student members (for all three sessions) \n                    $120 for Non-Members (for all three sessions) \nNOTES: \nThe registration deadline is Tuesday\, Jan 16\, 2024. Pre-registration is required. If you have any issues registering\, please contact Jenny Kim at  \nAre you are a student member? To register for this event\, please send an email to  \nA separate email will be sent the day prior to the event to the confirmed registrants containing the information for joining the webinar.  \nThe webinar series will be recorded and made available to members once it’s completed. All three sessions’ recordings will be available for registrants\, without additional cost\, as part of the registration.  URL: LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20231204T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20231204T130000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230928T183643Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230928T183643Z SUMMARY:Community in Connection - For Agency Workers DESCRIPTION:Practicing in isolation can be hard and finding a supportive community of colleagues can be difficult\, especially when you are trying to balance work\, busy practices and life.  \nBCACC is here to help. \nBCACC already offers online forums for communities in eConnect\, and we encourage you to join any of those groups that are relevant for you\, for peer support and networking.  \nBut this new offering takes those a step further by offering a virtual Zoom-discussion space to meet one another and connect.  \nThis is your opportunity to connect with like-minded peers for meaningful conversations and support.  \nRegister now and join other agency workers in conversation and community.  URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:BCACC Member Event ORGANIZER;CN="BC%20Association%20of%20Clinical%20Counsellors" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231124 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231126 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230815T191605Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230815T191605Z SUMMARY:AutPlay® Therapy Training - In Person & Live Webinar (Hybrid Event) DESCRIPTION:Presented by Dr. Robert Jason Grant\, Ed.D\, LPC\, RPT-S. This intensive 12 hour training focuses on teaching the AutPlay Therapy framework – a diversity understanding for implementing play therapy with neurodivergent children and their families. This training is 1 part of 3 parts to complete the full AutPlay certification program. There is limited seating for in-person participants so register to reserve your spot as soon as possible. EARLY BIRD PRICING – 15% off until Sept 21st. \nVenue: Both in Burnaby and online  URL: LOCATION:BC CATEGORIES:3rd-Party Advertiser Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231108 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231111 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230526T165715Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230726T171351Z SUMMARY:Counsellor Connect: Self-Care & Personal Development for Counsellors\, Private Practitioners in Solo Practice/Agencies DESCRIPTION:Counsellor Connect: Self-Care & Personal Development for Counsellors\, Private Practitioners in Solo Practice/Agencies  \n@ Sparkling Hill\, Vernon\, BC \nNovember 8-10\, 2023 *2 nights/3 days \nOur multi-day retreats provide a unique opportunity for counsellors to step away from the demands of their day-to-day work and focus on their own wellness\, both personally and professionally. This retreat is meant to offer an opportunity to truly relax and rejuvenate\, while also connecting with others\, but most importantly with yourself. Registration Opens June 15\, 2023. \nContact us at URL: LOCATION:Sparkling Hill\, Vernon BC CATEGORIES:3rd-Party Advertiser Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231103 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231105 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230512T211339Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230706T174433Z SUMMARY:BCACC Conference & 35th Anniversary Celebration: Counselling in a Changing World: Re-imagining our Environments DESCRIPTION:Early bird registration is now open for BCACC’s 2023 conference\, Counselling in a Changing World: Re-imagining our Environments! \nTaking place at the Hyatt Regency in Vancouver on November 3 & 4\, 2023\, this conference brings together world-class experts in the mental and allied health fields\, bringing you tangible skills and knowledge that you can put into practice. \nOne reason to attend? You’ll learn from incredible interdisciplinary experts. At Counselling in a Changing World\, we’ve curated a diverse range of specialties\, bringing together world-renowned experts in clinical counselling and other allied health professions. Discover new insights from speakers like Dr. Sue Johnson\, who is the primary developer of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)\, which has demonstrated its effectiveness in over 35 years of peer-reviewed clinical research. There’s so much knowledge to gain! \nOther presenters include: \n\nSuzanne Iasenza\, a practicing psychologist who specializes in and writes on topics such as human sexuality\, sex therapy for individuals and couples\, sexual orientation and gender identity.\nPia Pechtel\, a clinical psychologist (UK-registered) and researcher with over 18 years of working with sexual abuse.\nDr. Stefanie Green\, a physician\, speaker\, and the author of the international bestseller This is Assisted Dying.\n\nAnd more program announcements are coming soon! Click here to take advantage of the early bird rate and secure your spot at Counselling in a Changing World: Re-imagining Our Environments. Join us for an unforgettable event filled with interdisciplinary learning\, collaboration\, and inspiration! \n  URL: LOCATION:Vancouver\, BC\, Vancouver\, BC\, Canada CATEGORIES:Public Event,BCACC Member Event,Mental Health Professionals Event ORGANIZER;CN="BC%20Association%20of%20Clinical%20Counsellors" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20231019T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20231019T193000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230815T213737Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231012T181444Z SUMMARY:Matters of the Mind - Behind Office Doors: The Hidden Mental Costs of Toxic Workspaces DESCRIPTION:  \nFrom feeling undervalued to enduring daily negativity\, toxic work environments can leave a lasting imprint on our mental well-being. \nDive deep into understanding the hidden mental costs of toxic workplaces in our upcoming presentation. Explore the nature of workplace toxicity\, the profound psychological effects\, the strain on personal relationships\, and even the unexpected physical ailments that arise. More importantly\, equip yourself with strategies to cope\, heal\, and advocate for change. \nThis session is a must for anyone navigating challenging work dynamics or organizations looking to foster a healthier\, more positive workplace. \nRegister today and prioritize mental well-being in the professional sphere! \nRegister for free \nAbout the Presenter:\nZakia Ovington\, is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (#19900)\, a licensed counselor with the Washington Department of Health (License #MC61352041)\, and a member of the Canadian Certified Counsellors (#11242758). With over 20+ years of corporate experience in powerhouses like Microsoft\, Oracle\, Salesforce\, and General Electric\, Zakia transitioned from the corporate world to embrace her true passion in counseling. She combines her unique business insights with an unwavering dedication to emotional well-being. Committed to assisting individuals to navigate work-life challenges\, Zakia emphasizes alignment with life’s purpose\, genuine self-leadership\, and emotional resilience. As a BIPOC woman of South Asian Islamic heritage\, her diverse background enriches her understanding\, making her an invaluable guide for those grappling with the pressures of professional environments. \nRegister now URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Public Event ORGANIZER;CN="BC%20Association%20of%20Clinical%20Counsellors" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231017 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231018 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230809T183632Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230809T183724Z SUMMARY:Note Taking Workshop - Lavender Counselling DESCRIPTION:So often in the training of counsellors\, clinical note taking falls to the wayside in favour of interventions and case conceptualization. As a result counsellors end up feeling uncertain about their note taking and find themselves wondering what should be in them\, what shouldn’t be in them. It’s not uncommon for counsellors to hold the weight of many competing expectations\, including their own\, as they sit down to write their notes. Some of you may even avoid writing them because this weight is so heavy until you’re worried you’ll forget what you need to put down. This workshop will help you understand the BCACC Clinical Standard for Note Taking as well the relevant areas in the current Code of Ethics. It will help you tune into yourself more clearly as you navigate this necessary part of our profession. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:3rd-Party Advertiser Event ORGANIZER;CN="Lavender%20Counselling" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231014 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231015 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230908T215238Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230908T215238Z SUMMARY:Focusing Oriented Therapy Training and Certification DESCRIPTION:FOT is a remarkably effective somatic approach\, particularly valuable for working with trauma and clients who are ‘stuck’\, and for preventing therapist burn-out. \nFocusing was developed by Dr. Eugene Gendlin\, a colleague and key contributor to the work of Carl Rogers.  Gendlin’s research sought to answer the question – \nWhy are some clients successful in counselling\, while others are not? \nWhat he found was that the counsellor’s modality wasn’t the definitive difference; rather it was something the successful clients themselves were doing.  They had a way of checking inside\, of listening to an internal voice that was distinctly different from the more familiar conscious ‘thinking brain.’  His research led him to develop a series of steps to teach therapists how to guide clients to tune in to this individual inner voice.  That personal\, unconscious voice is what takes a client past their thinking brain and down into the core of their issues.  The method allows them to consistently go to the edge of the unknown and tap into what needs to happen next so that the healing process can start its forward movement. \nParticipants are welcome to attend single modules or the complete 16-month series\, and may become certified as a “Focusing Oriented Therapist” (FOT). URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:3rd-Party Advertiser Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231010 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231011 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20231003T221724Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231004T205703Z SUMMARY:World Mental Health Day 2023 DESCRIPTION:On October 10\, 2023\, people and organizations around the globe will mark World Mental Health Day\, an annual awareness and advocacy campaign initiated by the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) in 1992. Each year\, a theme is chosen by WFMH and partner organizations such as the World Health Authority (WHO) which supports the importance of the day by hosting events\, providing resources\, and creating campaign materials for people to engage with and dig deeper into that year’s theme. \nThis year’s theme is ‘Mental Health is a Universal Human Right’. It may seem like a lofty goal\, but at BCACC we believe that change starts at home. Our points of influence as British Columbians may seem to only extend as far as the borders of our province\, but the work we do to remove barriers to access and break the stigma around the need for mental health support extends far beyond our own communities. \nWe hope you’ll join BCACC in raising awareness of World Mental Health Day in your own community. Here’s how you can learn more and participate in World Mental Health Day\, too:\n\nVisit a BCACC-organized illumination event:\n\nIf you’re in Victoria\, visit the Parliament Buildings at the BC Legislature after dusk. The Ceremonial Entrance\, Front (Centre) Fountain\, and Back (Centennial) Fountain of the Parliament Buildings as well as the Confederation Garden Park Fountain and Waterfall will be illuminated in green on October 10th from dusk to 1:00 a.m.\nIf you’re in Vancouver\, visit BC Place\, which will be illuminated in green on October 10th from dusk to 1:00 a.m.\nBe sure to share your illumination photos with us on social media by tagging BCACC and using the hashtag #WMD2023BCACC or send your photos to\n\n\n\nLearn more ways to get involved here. URL: LOCATION:BC CATEGORIES:Public Event ORGANIZER;CN="BC%20Association%20of%20Clinical%20Counsellors" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20231006T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20231006T100000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230712T180742Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230712T180742Z SUMMARY:Community in Connection - for BIPOC RCCs DESCRIPTION:Save the date for the next Community in Connection for Black\, Indigenous\, and People of Colour (BIPOC) RCCs! \nTHIS EVENT MAY APPEAL TO YOU IF YOU ARE AN RCC WHO IS A PERSON OF COLOUR AND: \n\nYou are interested in helping to build community with other BIPOC RCCs \nYou are interested in exploring topics of race and racism as it relates to your work as a BIPOC RCC \n\nWhat is Community in Connection? \nIt’s your opportunity to connect with like-minded peers for meaningful conversations and support.  \nWe know that practicing in isolation & finding a supportive community of colleagues can be difficult\, especially when you are trying to balance work\, busy practices and life. BCACC is here to help. \nWe already offer online forums for communities in eConnect\, and we encourage you to join any of those groups that are relevant for you for peer support and networking.  \nBut Community in Connection takes those a step further by offering a virtual Zoom discussion space to meet one another.  URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:BCACC Member Event ORGANIZER;CN="BC%20Association%20of%20Clinical%20Counsellors" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230930 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231001 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230829T165215Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230829T165215Z SUMMARY:FREE TRAINING - The Relational Foundations of Gestalt Therapy in Contemporary Times DESCRIPTION:Join us at the Mind Body Training Institute for this complimentary online training\, and discover: \n\nWhy Gestalt Therapy may not be what you think it is\nThe relational foundations of Gestalt Therapy\nHow Gestalt Therapy has evolved from its original roots\nWhy modern Gestalt Therapy is considered a radical approach to understanding the human condition\nA key feature of Gestalt Therapy distinguishing it from other forms of therapy\n3 case studies demonstrating the transformative possibilities Gestalt Therapy\n\nRegistration expires on September 30\, 2023 URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:3rd-Party Advertiser Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20230929T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20230929T100000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230712T180515Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230712T180532Z SUMMARY:Community in Connection - Approved Clinical Supervisors (RCC-ACS) DESCRIPTION:Save the date for the next Community in Connection for Approved Clinical Supervisors (RCC-ACS)! \nAre you an RCC-ACS or RCC-ACS(provisional) looking to connect with other approved clinical supervisors? This Community in Connection event is a great opportunity for you to connect with like-minded peers for meaningful conversations and support.  \n\nWhat is Community in Connection? \nWe know that practicing in isolation & finding a supportive community of colleagues can be difficult\, especially when you are trying to balance work\, busy practices and life. BCACC is here to help. \nWe already offer online forums for communities in eConnect\, and we encourage you to join any of those groups that are relevant for you for peer support and networking.  \nBut Community in Connection takes those a step further by offering a virtual Zoom discussion-space to meet one another.  URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:BCACC Member Event ORGANIZER;CN="BC%20Association%20of%20Clinical%20Counsellors" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20230927T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20230927T193000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230816T220911Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230831T175743Z SUMMARY:Matters of the Mind: Workplace Wellness for Leaders DESCRIPTION:When people are not doing well psychologically\, presenteeism\, absenteeism\, morale and productivity are impacted. Wellness in the workplace starts with leadership! As leaders\, we must practice what we preach. We not only need to talk about what a psychologically safe workplace is\, we need to act in alignment with it. \nIn this workshop\, we will talk about the contributing factors of a psychologically safe workplace and what you can do to create it.  \n  \nAbout the Presenter:\nKelsey Grimm is a Registered Clinical Counsellor and has a Masters in Counselling and Leadership. As a counsellor\, Kelsey has supported many clients working in psychologically unsafe workplaces and has seen the impact on people’s well-being as well as the impact on the workplace. From a desire to support those on their path of healing\, she founded Healing Spaces – a group counselling practice. In addition to being passionate about counselling\, Kelsey is also passionate about psychologically safe workplaces and believes this contributes significantly to the health and wellness of our society. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Public Event ORGANIZER;CN="BC%20Association%20of%20Clinical%20Counsellors" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20230925T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20230925T170000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230712T180250Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230712T180250Z SUMMARY:Community in Connection - for School Counsellors DESCRIPTION:Save the date for the next Community in Connection for School Counsellors! \nAre you a school counsellor looking to connect with other school counsellors? This Community in Connection event is a great opportunity for you to connect with like-minded peers for meaningful conversations and support.  \nWhat is Community in Connection? \nWe know that practicing in isolation & finding a supportive community of colleagues can be difficult\, especially when you are trying to balance work\, busy practices and life. BCACC is here to help. \nWe already offer online forums for communities in eConnect\, and we encourage you to join any of those groups that are relevant for you for peer support and networking.  \nBut Community in Connection takes those a step further by offering a virtual Zoom discussion-space to meet one another.  URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:BCACC Member Event ORGANIZER;CN="BC%20Association%20of%20Clinical%20Counsellors" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20230828T183000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20230828T200000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230622T155845Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230816T190349Z SUMMARY:Matters of the Mind: Starting High School on the Right Foot DESCRIPTION:Beginning high school is a time of change for students and parents alike. \nThis workshop\, with time for Q+A\, provides families with the information they need to navigate this important transition with confidence.  \nTogether\, we will cover:\n\nacademic expectations\nclass schedules\nnavigating new social environments\npractical tips for parents and teens\nanswers to frequently asked questions\n\nWho it’s for: parents and caregivers of kids starting high school in September \nRegister for free \n \nAbout the Presenter:\nRob Broughton is a Registered Clinical Counsellor in private practice in Vancouver. He has worked with youth for 20 years\, as an elementary and high school teacher\, a high school counsellor\, and currently as an RCC. This presentation answers the most common questions and concerns he’s encountered from young people and their families as they enter high school. \n\n \nAbout Matters of the Mind\nThese presentations are free online events for the public that are focused on mental health topics that are relevant to the people of BC. \nWe want to contribute to the wellness of all British Columbians by fostering community connection\, breaking stigma\, and providing empowering information to help people through complexity. \n\nRegister now URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Public Event ORGANIZER;CN="BC%20Association%20of%20Clinical%20Counsellors" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20230710T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20230710T133000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230615T195543Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230622T220320Z SUMMARY:Town Hall: BCACC Meets with the BC Provincial Government for a discussion on the Health Professions & Occupations Act DESCRIPTION:Join BCACC in conversation with Brian Westgate\, Director\, Strategic Priorities for the BC Provincial Government to talk about the new Health Professions and Occupations Act. \nBrian will present an overview\, answer important questions about the Health Professions and Occupations Act\, and provide some clarity on common questions that BCACC is receiving from membership. \nThe last half hour of this presentation will focus on questions related to the association and the profession of counselling facilitated by BCACC Board President\, Britta Regan West and BCACC CEO\, Michael Radano. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:BCACC Member Event ORGANIZER;CN="BC%20Association%20of%20Clinical%20Counsellors" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20230614T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20230614T130000 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230519T171627Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230519T171726Z SUMMARY:Lunch & Learn: How RCCs are working collaboratively with Primary Care Networks - and how you can get involved DESCRIPTION:Communities across BC are collaborating in Primary Care Networks (PCNs) to create team-based care solutions that work for patients and providers. Join us at this session to learn how the Victoria Primary Care Network’s unique approach to building a team of allied health professionals – including Clinical Counsellors – is improving care experiences and outcomes in Victoria B.C. \nJoin Karolina Dudzik\, RCC\, Mental Health & Substance Use Health Consultant for Victoria Primary Care Network\, and Dr. Melissa Duff\, MD\, CCFP\, FCFP\, Victoria PCN Physician Lead\, Victoria Division of Family Practice Board Chair  to discuss: \n\nPrimary Care Networks\nVPCN Cohort Model: building relationships\, not referral systems\nCareer opportunities for Registered Clinical Counsellors URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:BCACC Member Event,Mental Health Professionals Event ORGANIZER;CN="BC%20Association%20of%20Clinical%20Counsellors" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230608 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230612 DTSTAMP:20240422T050652 CREATED:20230301T191542Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230301T224102Z SUMMARY:Somatic Attachment Psychotherapy Online 2 Year Training - With Lisa Mortimore\, PhD DESCRIPTION:Early attachment injuries forge a neurophysiological template of self and impact affect regulation\, relational functioning\, and distort one’s internal working model(s). The heart of this training addresses the reparation of insecure attachment. The curriculum weaves a framework that draws upon diverse theoretical and conceptual understandings from: attachment theory\, somatic psychotherapy\, trauma studies\, affect regulation and regulation theory\, interpersonal neurobiology\, interpersonal/relational psychoanalytic practice\, and deepening connections to the sentient world.  \nJUNE 2023 COHORT: June 8 – 11\, 2023\, September 28 – October 1st\, 2023\, February 1 – 4th\, 2024\, Year Two dates TBA URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:3rd-Party Advertiser Event END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR